Sunday, December 21, 2008

Twas the week before Christmas....

I dont have many pictures and/or stories this week because we have been so busy that I haven't had many picture taking opportunities. This past Friday night Jett got to spend the evening with Gramma because Bobby and I attended a Christmas party. I tried to get a few pictures before the party, but were running late so this was the best we could do.

Saturday night we hosted a Christmas party at our home, so as I was running around like a mad woman Saturday morning cleaning and baking, I let Jett do a little coloring in his high chair. Our friends Shanna and Rafy gave Jett this coloring book and crayons, and he loved it!

Not sure exactly what he is doing in this picture???

He is getting good at "CHEESE".

Saturday night after most of our guests left, a few of us were gathered around the island in my kitchen visiting and Jett decided it was story time. Now, let me just remind everyone that Jett is a HUGE mommy's boy and freaks out if I walk out of the room (unless of course gramma, harmonee or daddy are with him). At the party, he was sociable, but wouldn't let anyone hold him. One of Bobby's good friends grabbed one of the books and sat down on the kitchen floor to read it to him. Jett, of course, was sitting about 5 feet away from him the whole time. By about book number 4, this is where Jett was.

Amazing! I had to get a picture because this seriously never happens. If anyone ever has a hard time bonding with Jett, just break out a book and he will be your best friend. That's about all I have for this week. I hope everyone has a fabulous Christmas! We are all super excited for the holidays now that we have Jett in our lives. I have a feeling Santa will be very good to him this year because he is such a wonderful boy.

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