Sunday, September 16, 2007

Jett has a new friend!

Happy birthday to Abigayle Elizabeth Coatney! My best girlfriend from high school, Amy, had her new baby girl on Saturday morning. Her actual due date was not until Oct. 1st, but she was ready to come out and meet everyone a little early. Jett and I were way OK with that since we have bee anxiously awaiting her arrival since the day I found out Amy was pregnant. Now Jett will have a friend to play with (or maybe pester, although I hope not) when Amy and I go out for our weekly trip to the Cheesecake Factory. Abby is just the most beautiful baby girl and Jett and I are thrilled that she is here! I am so aggravated at myself though because for the past month I have been praying that Amy would have her on a weekend so that I could come immediately to the hospital when she went into labor, and then on Friday night my phone died and I didn't even know anything was happening until I took it off the charger and checked my messages Saturday afternoon as Bobby, Jett, and I were on our way to the river for a bike ride. Since we were already loaded up and ready to go, we went ahead and went on our ride, ran home and showered, grabbed a quick bite to eat, and headed to the hospital . Here are some pictures. Let me warn you, I took total advantage of having nothing to do this weekend other than hanging out with family and friends and lovin' on babies, so I did not put a drop of make up on all
weekend. It was great...but doesn't make for great pictures. Oh well. Was Abby the prettiest little girl in the nursery? Uh....yeah!

On Wednesday night my mom and I took Jett to Toys R Us and Gramma bought him a push toy. It is a little red truck that makes noises and lights up. When you turn the steering wheel it tells you which way it is turning, and when you open the hood it says open, and when you close the hood it says close. It is really cute. Jett likes it a lot, though he did run over himself at first when he was pulling up on it. He pulled it towards him and the whole thing ran him over. What a mess! The toy continued to be a favorite all weekend. His other new fave is doing "patty-cake patty-cake baker's man". He has always loved it when I do it, but now he does it too and it is SO cute.

Sunday we went to the hospital again, imagine that. We may wear out our welcome really fast as much as we love spending time with Abby, Amy, and her family. My mom went with us on Sunday, and Jett was not too sure about mommy and gramma paying attention to someone else besides him. He was a little fussier than usual, but I haven't figured out yet whether it is because he has been dealing with a nasty cold, or if it is because I put some cute new sandals on him and they were pinching his feet. I think it might have been the shoes because as soon as I removed them from his feet, he seemed to have instant relief. Poor guy. The things we do to look cute..Here are some pictures I took of Jett hanging out with daddy while he was working on that old truck of his. He enjoyed playing around with the wrenches and tools.

Have a great week. I am hoping to get started once again on Jett's bathroom this week. I have been working on it on and off as I get time for I don't know how long.
Since we were right by Utica this weekend, I squeezed in a trip to the Pottery Barn Kids to pick up a few things, and I also got my order in on Friday for the wall art I bought him. It is going to be so cute when I finally get it done. I will post pic's of it when it is finished, and hopefully Jett will still be living at home by then.... :)

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