Sunday, September 23, 2007

Lovin' baths in Mommy's tub or Nenal's sink

Where in the world has time gone? Jett turned 10 months old on the 17th and it seems just like yesterday that we brought him home. Time flies! And fun is definately what we are having...especially at bath time. Jett has always loved splashing around in water, but my grandma (our Nenal), fills her kitchen sink up with water every Friday night and let's Jett splash water all over her kitchen, the walls, the floor, and us. He has the best time. Because he was having such a grand time playing around in the sink and splashing water everywhere, I decided to see what Jett would do if I put him in our big gigantic tub. The last time I tried it, he seemed a little scared. Not this time! He really enjoyed playing with all of his little yellow rubber duckies. You might notice the big goose-egg on his head. I have no idea how this happened, and Bobby swears that it was not there when he last saw him on is a mystery:)

The past week has been pretty uneventful for us. Bobby and I both worked quite a few hours this week, and then evenings are spent playing with and entertaining Jett. He is getting so fun. As I was saying a few weeks ago, he is loving patty-cake, and my mother-in-law has taught him a Korean sing-song game that goes something like "chaka, chaka, chaka... kaji, kaji, kaji... something, something, something (I can't remember this part), dora, dora, dora". Of course, I am spelling none of those words right, only typing what it sounds like. Basically, it is like singing "clap your hands,clap your hands,clap your hands...point your finger, point your finger, point your finger...squeeze your hands, squeeze your hands, squeeze your hands...nod your head, nod your head, nod your head", and then doing the hand movements along with it. It is so cute, and Jett starts doing the motions the second Bobby or his mom start singing it. Also a new favorite, Daddy tossing him onto the bed. Jett LOVES this. I keep thinking he better enjoy it now before he gets all of his teeth in, causing him to bite his tongue when he hits the bed. Been there, done that.... Here is a picture of them playing , and a cute one of Jett sleeping because I think he looks SO much like his daddy when he sleeps.

Jett is not a fan of foreign surfaces. I tried to put him in the grass to play and he freaked completely out. I then attempted to sit him on the pebble type steps beside our drive way, and again, he freaked out. I was able to get a few pictures of him, but only because his feet weren't touching the rocks. It must be something about the rough rocks and prickly grass touhcing his skin that he doesn't like because when I took him around to the back deck, which is smooth wood, he was fine.

Saturday we did some shopping, and I have to post this picture to show off my way-to-cute new broom. It is pink zebra print. Isn't it so cute? And how sad am I that I am excited about a broom? Jett enjoyed scooting it around the floor and picking at the bristles.

Also Saturday, we watched our Razorbacks get beat (Urgh!). On a more positive note though, way to go OU. Boomer Sooner! We sat the game out Friday night though because we had more important things to see baby Abby. Amy, Abby, and Amy's mom Glenda joined us at my grandma's Friday night so that we could love on that precious baby girl. She just keeps getting cuter and cuter. We can't wait to see them again....maybe later this week??? Of coures, my camera died Friday night taking pictures of Jett, so I will have to make up for it next time. I hope everyone has a fabulous week!

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