Sunday, October 19, 2008

Diaper Dolphins and Dallas

This past Tuesday was our first Diaper Dolphin swim class at the Aquatic Center. Amy and I enrolled the kids several months ago, but decided to start in November so that we would have something fun to do with the kids during the cooler months when it is harder to entertain them outdoors. Although the first class was mostly orientation, we did get a little bit of water time and they loved it! Here are some pre-pool pictures at the house before we left. Amy found Abby and Jett adorable swim diapers and matching shirts!

This weekend Bobby took me to Dallas/Plano, TX to do a little late birthday shopping, go out to dinner just the two of us, and visit my aunt and uncle. My mom went too so Jett was extremely happy. What made him equally as happy was the fact that my cousin Kevin was willing to share his train set! Of course, Kevin hasn't played with it in many years, but he was so kind to drag it out of the back of the closet for Jett. This is pretty much what Jett did ALL weekend.

I was SO excited to see my cousin's!! Here are a few pic's that we took for our grandmother. I think this might be the first picture of all the grand kids together!

Jett was also thrilled to death to see the "waterfall" in my aunt and uncle's backyard (it is really one of those hot tubs where the water cascades over the rocks into the big pool, but to Jett it was a waterfall). Every hour or so he would take a break from the train to go play around in the backyard. As you can see from the pictures below, he was fascinated with the life like turtle lawn ornament.

When I was posting the pictures above that were taken outside, I was reminded of how Jett's reddish hair and blue eyes seem to draw so much attention to him. I figured once he was out of the infant stage, people in public wouldn't flock to us anymore like everyone does when they see a new baby. Not so much. Everywhere, and I do mean everywhere, we go, people make a point to walk over and tell us how "pretty" he is and how much they love his hair and eyes. It is so much fun and flattering to see people that we don't even know giving him so much attention.
On top of trains, waterfalls, and tons of attention from everyone, my aunt and uncles neighbors completely deck out their yards for Halloween. Saturday night Bobby and I took Jett for a walk down the street to check out all of the fabulous yards. I didn't get pictures of all of them, as there were way to many, but here is one example. One yard even had music playing that sounded like a thunderstorm, and another one had a strobe light type thing that looked like spiders dropping from webs down the front of the house.

As far as our date night, we did a little shopping at Northpark on Saturday. If you have never been to Northpark, you must go. They have great stores! My mom got Jett some really cute fall/winter clothes at a place called Janie and Jack that I am now obsessed with. Saturday night we left for a while to go to dinner, but since neither one of us were starving, we just walked around The Shops at Legacy (also very cool) and then went back to the house. Either we are getting really old, we are really boring, or we are way too attached to Jett because neither one of us can stay away from him for more than an hour or so. We had a great weekend and I hope everyone else did as well! Oh yes, and I almost forgot! Tonight Jett went #2 on the potty for the first time!! I had just put his pj's and hat on him to go for our nightly walk around the neighborhood to see the moon and stars, when he said "poop in your diaper". I quickly checked his diaper and there was nothing there, so I took it off and sat him on the big potty and he actually went. Now, this is nothing that I am working on or even expect to see again in the near future, but it was pretty funny.


Mandy said...

What a fun weekend! Yeah for Jett with the potty!! Did you get your haircut? I don't know if I am just crazy but it looks a lot shorter...very cute either way!!!

Amber said...

Sounds like Dallas was fun! Way to go Jett on using the potty, such a big boy! I noticed your hair too, looks good! Mandy just told me that your name is Amber too! I didn't even know that...How great! Isn't it such a great name :)

Amber said...

On a different note, the cookbook Delicious Deceptions (or something like that)in the back ground of your first photo...I have heard great things about that book. Do you like it?

Amber said...

That is so funny about the cookbook! I so know what you mean though...I have a few in my hutch and I haven't used one in like over a year!

For future use me anytime!