Sunday, October 12, 2008

What a difference a week makes

Remember last week's post where I mentioned (and posted pictures of) Jett's busted eye? Well, Monday while at my mother-in-laws house Jett bumped his noggin on the table and got a big goose egg, and then scratched his belly on a metal cage while checking out a bunny at the neighbors house. Poor little guy can't catch a break!! 1 week later though, he is almost completely healed from his wounds. Yipee! He still has a little scratch over his eye, but the scab is gone and I don't think it is going to leave much of a scar, thank goodness. Today was my birthday so and Amy and I planned a little road trip to Natural Falls State Park and the petting zoo in Gentry, Arkansas. We had SO much fun! We travel with two busy toddlers, so road trips for us are always exciting and eventful. We started off by checking out the waterfall at Natural Falls. It was so pretty and relaxing. Jett and Abby were enjoying a game of throw the rocks into the water and watch the big splash when Abby decided it would be fun to throw mommy's keys in the water too. Splash!! It was absolutely hilarious. Luckily I was able to hop off the deck and retrieve them right away. We were also able to corner a nice lady and have her take a group picture of us. Not the best picture in the world by any measure, but the best we could get!

Here are some random pictures I took of the kids while at the park. How cute are these two?

After we left the park, we headed to Gentry to the Safari. I am sure by now everyone realizes how much we love animals. I have always been an animal lover and I am so glad Jett loves them too and isn't afraid of them (except for the pig that kept grunting at us as every time would get close to him). On the way there, Amy looked back and noticed that Abby's diaper looked like maybe it had leaked a little. She has been having a little trouble with runny diapers lately, so we pulled over to check it out. As it turned out, she had a major blow out diaper, and it had run completely out of her diaper, down her legs, and all over her car seat. We pulled into a parking lot and I grabbed Abby and started cleaning her up while Amy cleaned up her car seat. Amy forgot a change of clothes, and I (for once) actually had an extra pair of Jett's pajama's in my diaper bag. It's a good thing they wear about the same size, and a good thing Abby is so stinkin' cute that she looks fabulous in anything!

Here are our two monkey's in my lap checking out the animals in the drive thru part of the zoo. When Jett realized Abby had crawled over into my lap, he started pushing on her and saying "Amy hold it, Amy hold it". Too funny. He really does love her, just not on his mommy's lap:)

Petting the goats

Sweet bunny

Checking out the turtles

Petting the baby wolves

What a day! After all of that excitement, we loaded up and headed back to Tulsa for cake and ice cream at my mom's house. Yum! Amy and I were chatting away in the car and suddenly realized it had gotten rather quiet in the back seat of Amy's car. We looked back to find this..... two exhausted kiddo's.

I had such a great birthday, and am so lucky to have great friends and family to share it with! My mom got me an OU running shirt, a cinnamon cider candle (my fave), and EAGLES TICKETS!!!! I can't wait! Bobby bought me a pair of jeans and new shoes, and he is taking me to Dallas next weekend. My grandma bought me a new fur blanket that I have been dying for, my friends from the bank bought me an adorable new track suit, and Amy sent me the most beautiful flowers on Friday. I was actually able to get a picture of Jett with them this morning before our trip.

Thank you everyone who made my birthday this year so great! Now I have to start working on Jett's party.......


momaziggy said...

OMG...those two lil kiddos are so darn cute together! Abby has gotten SO big! :O) Lil darlings!

Thank you so much for the wonderful compliments! It really means a lot to me. I did a shoot yesterday for my cousin and her son and I'm working on a few for a sneak peak on my blog! Hopefull I'll have a few up by Wednesday night! :O)

Amber said...

Happy late b-day! Looks like you guys had such an eventful day...The kids are precious.

I always forget the Gentry zoo and it is only like 30 minutes away...We took Kaid when he was 2 yrs old and it was nice then, can only imagine how he would like it now!

Mandy said...

I'm so glad you had a great birthday!! Happy belated birthday! We love the Gentry is perfect for the little guys!