Sunday, July 15, 2007

Jett is almost 8 months old...

I can't believe that Tuesday Jett will be 8 months old. Today we were at Babies R Us and I noticed a baby that was, I swear, the smallest little thing I have ever seen. I asked the lady how old the baby was and she said 1 week. I commented on how tiny he was, and she responded that he was 6lbs 11oz...only 1 ounce less than Mr. Jett when we brought him home from the hospital. They grow entirely too fast. He is doing so many cute things and has developed quite a little personality. I usually go on and on about how perfect he is, so I thought I might share some of the other things that he is doing also. He can roll all over the house, scoot backwards, walk forward in his walker, hold himself upright on furniture or anything else that he can hang on to, he has 2 teeth, he can drink from a sippy cup, and the latest thing that he has been doing is waving bye-bye. It is absolutely the cutest thing, and everyone entertains themselves by telling him bye-bye so he will wave.
He is VERY vocal these days and loves to hear his voice...usually in restaurants or shopping malls. His favorite things to "say" are da-da-da or ba-ba-ba-. So far no ma-ma-ma-. We are still working on it.
This weekend was a busy one, as Bobby's mom was hospitalized on Thursday with Colitus, or an infection of the colon. She usually watches Jett for a few hours each day, so this week Jett and Daddy got to spend some quality time together since he took a few days off. I was terrified everyday to see what my house was going to look like when I got home, but it wasn't bad at all. Friday night and Saturday night we went to visit Harmonee (I am not sure how to really spell that, but it is "grandma" in Korean) at the hospital. Jett absolutely loves his Harmonee, and I think was confused by why she was in that bed. Here are some pictures from Saturday.

On Saturday Bobby went to Hallett to race his bike, so Jett and I stayed here and shopped. I was on a mission to find Wekinz and blue flip-flops for my nephew's birthday next week. Who would have thought that I could find every color BUT blue in little boys flip-flops????? Urgh....I am still looking. But, it gave me an excuse to visit Kathleen's Kids, so I was happy (speaking of cute baby things, I have recently discovered, and, both of which have adorable baby things). Jett and I had fun spending the day together, and Bobby had fun racing. I am not a big fan myself, but I do think he looks kind of sexy in he is.

Also on Saturday, Bobby decided that it was time to buy Jett some biter biscuits. He took him to his office on Friday and one of his co-workers with a baby had one in her purse and gave it to Jett and he loved it. We bought him some while we were grocery shopping and gave him one on the ride home. Afterwards we had top put him in the jaccuzzi to hose him off. Here are some funny pictures of my messy boy!

Sunday was a pretty relaxing day for us. Jett, Tiffany, and I jogged about 5 miles, came home and got Bobby, and walked 3 more. Then we defeated the whole purpose of the walk and ate dinner at Texas Roadhouse. Here is a picture of Jett laughing at his daddy, and a funny one I found of Tiffany posing in the mud outside my friend Shanna's house. I hope everyone has a good week!

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