Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mr. Personality (& lots of pic's)

Since last week I received several "Why were there only 4 pictures on your blog this week?!?!?", I am making up for it this week. Plus, Bobby bought me this fancy flash for my camera and I have never quite figured it out, so I decided to try it out this week one night after Jett's bath, since that is one of my favorite times of day. There is nothing better than the way he smells after his bath (or actually, OUR bath since he still showers with me, a habit I need to start breaking). You will notice that Jett loves his plane and his collection of rubber duckies. My mom bought him the marathon duck, but I think it was more for me:)

Another night this week, Jett got experience his first rice krispy treat. Needless to say, he loved it! He also enjoyed checking out the candy in my canister's, and playing with his Jack in the Box. I kept trying to show him how to turn the arm, but as you can see, he was more interested in tasting it. I'm not sure what that was all about???? It made for a cute picture though.

Friday night Jett and I had dinner with my mom and grandma at my grandma's house like we always do on Friday's. Jett was being Mr. Personality and turning on his charm for the camera. We spend pretty much the whole evening laughing at him because everything he says and does is funny. He is putting words together now and it sounds so cute. His favorites are "daddy's bike" and "big truck". His speech is so clear, but Friday night we were laughing at him because I said something about a cup and he turned around and said "puc". He always says that one word backwards. Oh well, it makes us laugh. Here are the pictures from Friday night at Nenals (my grandma), and a few from after we got home. Notice Jett looks super tired.

This weekend was pretty uneventful for us, which is a good thing because next week we are off to Arkansas for our family reunion. Bobby worked in the yard all weekend, and Jett and I hung around the house and went for a few jogs. I remember the days when Jett was a baby and it was so easy to put him in the jogger and go. Now I have to get up at 6 in the morning and run until 8, and then finish my last 3 miles with Jett in his jogger later in the day because that is about all he can stand in his jogger. No more naps or sleeping in it for sure! The only reason he will tolerate 3 miles is because he is entertained by he cars passing by, planes flying over us, people mowing their yards, or all of the puppies that bark at us.
He loves being outside though and loves to pick the "flowers" (aka weeds). Here he is today playing with a dandelion.

Jett continues to be extremely clingy to me lately, and starts flipping out if I go around a corner in the house and he can't see me, or if anyone tries to take him from me. I was proud of him yesterday because Jett and I went over to the Riverwalk and he was petting all of the dogs and even let one lady pick him up, it was only for about 4 seconds, but hey, that's progress. One couple that had an art exhibit set up were taking pictures of Jett petting their dog by their booth. They said Jett was the cutest thing with he best smile they had seen all day. Kind of creepy since I had never met the people, but it was nice. Here is one last picture of my sweet little punkin' that I had made a few weeks ago. I have added a picture of me and Bobby when we were around the same age to compare. He really looks more like Bobby only with my hair. I hope everyone has a fabulous week!!


Mandy said...

Wow...I am totally impressed by how much you jog! I wish I could jog that far!!

Jett is always so adorable in his pictures!! Tayson discoverd dandelions last week too!! I was trying to keep them out of his mouth. He also is very clingy right now. He crys anytime he can't see me!!

That last picture of him in his little romper is so cute! He looks so much like you when you were little!!

Marisa said...

Nope...he looks like you more than Bobby!