Sunday, July 27, 2008

Jett and Abby sitting in a tree......

With my best girlfriend's BIG 30th birthday right around the corner, I have been trying to come up with something creative, fun, and sentimental to do for her. We have been friends for half of our lives, so any little gift just won't do. I met a girl through a friend of mine that is dabbling in photography, and experimenting with photo shop and paint shop pro. She saw my blog, loved my pictures, and put together several amazing pieces of work for me to display in my home. I decided, that's it!! That is what I will have her do for Amy! First though, I had to get some cute pictures of Abby, but seriously, is that ever a challenge??? NO WAY! On Thursday, Amy and I met up and took the kids to the park for a mini photo shoot. I can't share all of the pictures because I don't want to ruin the surprise, but here are a few of the kiddo's together. Once her birthday is over, I will post what I had done for her, and for me! I am so proud of mine (Thanks, Crystal!)

Jett has not crawled for over 6 months, but when he saw Abby doing it, he decided to join in! As Jett would say, "Weady, set, one, two, free GO!" The race was on.....

How cute is this??

Jett giving Amy an Eskimo kiss. I love, love, love it!!

The future glamour girl herself, Abigayle Elizabeth

While we were at the park, Jett spotted a bunny. Now, maybe I am crazy, but this did not look like an average, every day, wild bunny running around. This bunny looked like someones pet. It was so soft and fuzzy. It was also not terribly afraid of us approaching it. Kinda made me sad. I hope someone didn't dump it or lose it. If I could have gotten a hold of it, I would have probably brought it home. Although, I am not sure that would be a good idea with Tiffany in the house. She thinks bunnies are for chasing.

I really don't have that much interesting stuff to ramble about this week. We have pretty much been trying to stay inside. This HOT, 100 plus degree Oklahoma weather is getting a little old, and I usually love hot weather. Poor little Jett has sweat pouring down his face before I ever get him buckled in his car seat.

I have discovered this past week that he is using many more Korean words than I realized. Since I have absolutely no idea what he is saying, I thought when he was pointing to the refrigerator and saying "murr, murr" he was wanting more. So I would give him more juice, water, milk, etc. I found out today that "murr" in Korean is water. Who knew?! Not me. I also learned that "upta" is all gone, and "mogul" is bite. I am sure glad Bobby knows what he is asking for! Oh yes, and I almost forgot. He stayed in the nursery at church today the WHOLE time! I think I was a wreck, but he did great! I am sure he played, talked their ears off, and wore them out wanting to go down the slide over, and over, and over again. He is getting to be such a big boy (sniff, sniff). That's all for now. Have a fun week!


Mandy said...

Those pictures of Jett and Abby are so cute!! I know she will love whatever you have created for her!!

That is great that he is picking up two languages! It is really hard to learn one, much less two!

Jessica said...

Hello! So nice to meet you. Thank you for the sweet comment you left on my blog. I do know the name Ober! In fact, when I was a senior in high school- long time back- I helped her out quite a bit with little projects she wanted help with! Small, small world! : )

Amber said...

Ohh, they are so adorable! Love the picture of their feet. That is a great idea for your friend and that is something she will cherish for a long time!