Monday, September 1, 2008

"I'm the one in charge around here"

You might remember me mentioning in my last post about how Jett has gotten a little bossy lately. I really don't like the word bossy, but I can't think of a better word that doesn't sound negative. As soon as people hear me say the word "bossy", I start getting all kinds of advice about how I need to "nip that in the bud", or "it's cute now, but it won't be later", etc. The truth is, he is not really obnoxious, he just doesn't know how to request things any other way right now. I keep thinking that if he will master prefacing his demands with the word "please", it will seem better. He is making some progress, but you have to remind him to say please most of the time. Here are some examples of how we all pretty much jump to his every command...
When Jett wants to go outside and mow my grandma's yard in the 100 degree heat, that is what we do.

When Jett wants to push the buttons on the remote, we give him a remote of his own. This is something new within the last couple of weeks...thanks Olympics!

Bobby bought a little Toyota Celica a few weeks ago so that we don't rack up miles on our new vehicles. It is small and compact, and Jett loves it because everything is right at his fingertips! When Jett wants to "dwive daddy's car" before getting buckled into his car seat, we let him. (Disclaimer: the car is not on, and we are not driving in these pictures. We are safely parked in the parking lot of Academy Sports.)

Jett still continues to love books, so I decided that once a week I am going to take him to the bookstore for a new one. Last Wednesday my mom met us at Barnes and Noble and he ended up with 6 new books. YEAH! When we got home, I let him take a bath in the kitchen sink and then I let him lay with me on our bed to read his new books before going to sleep in his own room.

One of Bobby's employees told him about a neat park in Sapulpa, so we decided to try it out. It was so amazing, and Bobby and I had just as much fun as Jett did! We ended up taking him Saturday and Sunday because we like it so much (and because Jett cried when we left the first night so it made us feel really bad).

So, now that I have pretty much stamped "sucker" on our foreheads, everyone knows why Jett is in charge around our house:) Anyways, I hope everyone had a great Labor Day and has a terrific week!


Marisa said...

I think I see Super Nanny in your future!!! Hehe!!! :)

We may be having to call her too when Tyler gets older! It's hard to say NO to those sweet faces!

Mandy said...

That sounds just like our house! Tayson is definitely in charge!! Tayson has that same "I still live with my parents" shirt! TOO CUTE!!!

That park looks like it is super fun! We may have to try that out next time we are over that way!

momaziggy said...

I love the new pics. And don't worry...Avyree is bossy too! Lol! When she wants juice it's "JUUUUIIIICCCEEE" and everytime I remind her it's "Juice please in a nice voice nugget!" Lol! Then other times she's so sweet and quiet and tells me "pretty mommy" or "juice please" or "thank you mommy" and then yells at me again! Lol! One thing I've learned, all kids are different. Haylee, always said please and thank you and didn't need to be reminded! Now, at 6, I have to remind her all the time. Eventhough she's been saying it on her own for years. With Avyree, it's hit or miss, but it's usually in a loud voice because the lil nugget is just plain loud! Lol! They are all so different and change every year! Lol! Just when you settle in one the "good" things (not pc I know...but I'm not the PC type) lol, they change. But the good thing is that the "not so good" things are a phase too! Lol! So enough babble, the sink pics are to die for! What a darling lil boy nugget! Haha! :O)

Amber said...

That is so funny!
I love the pics of Jett in the kitchen sink...

Kaid like to think he's in charge alot as well, he's a funny boy. :)

TriciaKay said...

Awww...he is getting so big! Don't worry about him being 'bossy', I'm sure he'll grow out of it! We went to that park last night and the girls and I are in Love!!! Wish you could have been there with us!