Monday, November 10, 2008

Election won, Tiffany lost.....

I will start with the election first. Let me just say "Thank Goodness it is over"!! Since this was the first election since Jett was born and a historical one, my mom bought a Tulsa World for Jett's baby book/scrap book.
I was able to snatch a few shots of him with the paper before he tried to tear it up or walk on it. The paper is now put up in a safe place where neither Tiffany or Jett can get to it. Here is Jett showing me where Obama is.

Last week was a busy one, as we worked in the yard for two days straight planting flowers. I know nothing about gardening, by my mother in law is wonderful, and she tells me that now is the time to plant some of my favorite things, such as hydrangea's, peonies, hosta's, etc. Jett loves "helping" us in the gardens. The bulldozer is actually quite appropriate since our yard still looks like construction zone.

Saturday was a long day for us. It is a really long story, so I will break it down for you.
1:00PM: Bobby let's Tiffany out
1:30PM: Jett and I leave for a birthday party
2:30PM: Bobby calls me and informs me that he can't find Tiffany
3:00PM: Bobby still hasn't found her and continues to drive around the neighborhood
3:30PM: I leave the party, head home, and drive around asking everyone if they have seen her. Nobody had.
4:00PM: I get home and Bobby and I start walking (me wearing heels)
4:30PM: We separate. He goes one way, I go the other. He has phone, I do not.
5:00PM: Found Dog sign spotted by me on a post. I begin running to find Bobby.
5:15PM: Neighbor sees me and asks if I need to use her phone. I have never met this lady, she is new to the neighborhood, and thankfully super nice because I went in her house and used her phone. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do!
I call the number, the dog was Tiffany (Thank the Lord!!!). I then call Bobby and we head to the Humane Society to pick her up. A lady saw her running around without her collar (I know, I know....I took it off to treat her with Front line and hadn't put it back on yet). We finally got her at around 6:00, and we were all SO happy to see her!! She is the sweetest baby girl dog ever, and the warmest blanket anyone could ask for at night.

After we got home, we all snuggled up, popped popcorn, and watched Chicken Little.
Jett loved it, and stayed awake until the last 15 minutes of the movie. He got a little bored about mid-movie and had to push his train around the table a few times, but eventually snuggled back up with us on the couch. The next day he kept saying "go watch Chicken Noodle upstairs". He is so stinkin' cute and funny.

Jett using Tiffany as a pillow. How precious are these two?!?

Well, tomorrow is the Eagles concert with mom, and then the big 2nd birthday party on Saturday. I am sure next week's post will have tons of pictures. Have a great week!


Mandy said...

I'm so glad that you guys found Tiffany!! That is always so scary when they get out and are missing! My mom is in Tulsa right now to go to the Eagles concert too...I wish I was going! I can't wait to see pictures from the big 2nd birthday!!!

Amber said...

I am happy that you guys found Tiffany. My brother is staying with us and so is his dog Lily, she is so precious but a big pain in the butt, anyway last weekend she got out of the fence and ran away. We haven't found her yet. Lucky you guys! I am sure someone picked her up.

Can't wait to see pics of Jett's party, sure it will be a blast.

Marisa said...

How scary that you lost Tiffany. Glad she's back safe and sound.
I love Jett's train pj's! too cute!

Have a happy birthday party Jett!