Sunday, November 23, 2008

New toys and new tricks

It has been a week since Jett's 2nd birthday, which means it has been a busy week at our house playing with all of the great new toys he got! There were so many that we are having to phase them in one by one. This week the train table was still a huge hit, but he also enjoyed several new dump trucks, bulldozers, and tractor's. Here is my little man trying on his new hard hat. As you can probably tell from the picture, he fell while playing outside and went face first into the concrete. My poor baby boy is always all scratched up.

The other morning while munching on a bag of popcorn, Jett decided it would be much more fun to put the popcorn in the back of his toy dump truck. Needless to say, there was popcorn everywhere by the time he was done. Luckily, we have Tiffany the vaccum cleaner to help clean up food messes.

OU football is major thing in our home and my husband tends to yell, hoot and holler at the television, which in turn causes Jett to get excited and worked up too. Due to the significant number of touchdown's our team had on Saturday, my boys were as rowdy as ever. Here is Jett watching OU football and loving it!
Go Sooners!

Touchdown OU! Jett jumping - he is actually in mid air in this picture

Did they score again?!?!?

Jett taking a break at half time to play with his train ("toot-toot,ding,ding,ding")

This weekend Jett had a little bit of a cold, so I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to stay in and get out my Christmas decorations. I love, love, love Christmas time! I also love my tree, and we haven't put it up the past few years because of the dog being a puppy and Jett being a curious 1 year old who wanted to pull all of the bulbs off. We finally got it up and it looks great! Thus far, Jett hasn't bothered it at all, and Tiffany has totally ignored it. Yipee! As we were getting things out of boxes, I turned around to see this.....

Lovely! See why he always has scratches on his pretty little face? This boy has no fear. I, of course, was a wreck because that rickety old ladder scares me to death! It is seriously time for a new one. I am happy to report that Jett made it down without any new injuries, and within seconds had moved on to other things.

This is why he gets away with stinkin' sweet!

1 comment:

momaziggy said...

Hey there! :O) Thanks for checking out the family blog! I didn't know you had an external flash? How did it break? That's the only way I can get good shots external flash. I bounce it off the ceiling to light the room rather than a flash. I LOVE it.

Well I hope everything is great on your end. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Oh..and Happy Belated Bday Jett!