Monday, November 17, 2008

My sweet baby boy is 2!!

Today our sweet baby boy is years old. Let me just say that it chokes me up thinking about how fast the time passes when you have a little one around. I hate to see each stage pass, but before I know it, I am having more fun that I ever thought possible. I could go on and on about him because he is so perfect to us, but I won't bore everyone with my ramblings, and I will save that for his baby book!
I will, however, brag on my little angel by sharing his birthday celebration pictures. We had his party on Saturday. He loves dump trucks, bulldozer's, tractor's, etc., so we had a construction vehicle theme. The cake was absolutely amazing. I honestly almost cried when I saw it because it was so great (and huge!). My mother-in-law was kind enough to arrive early and cook up a delicious feast of Korean food for everyone. Yum! I don't know how to spell all of the items served, but let me just say it was delicious and there was nothing left.
The cake table

The AMAZING cake!

The sweet, beautiful, precious birthday boy!

Time to open presents!!

My mom bought Jett a huge train table and my grandma bought him all of the trains to go with it. Absolutely the most exciting gift of the day!
After the train set, who really cares about cake?!? He was really not all that interested. He wanted to go play!

A shot of Amy and I, and a wild attempt at a family picture. He can't get his mind off of that choo choo train.

Since today was Jett's actual birthday, I took him to the Riverwalk this afternoon and we played games at Fun House.

Along the Riverwalk is a water feature surrounded by rocks, so of course, Jett had to throw one. I love how he is bent over with his arm extended out behind him with the rock in it. Maybe we will have a left handed pitcher?!?!?

After that, we headed to Owasso to have dinner with my mom and grandma and blow out candles on the center part of the cake we cut from the big one. Jett did a great job, and preferred just sticking his whole face in the cake rather than using a fork.
He must like the icing....that's my boy!!

Here are some random pictures of my 2 year old. Some things I always want to remember about him at this age are...(read below pictures)

Above: Jett and binky bear

Above: Jett and his "punkin head"

*He can sing the ABC's all the way through with no help
*He has almost all of his books memorized and he can tell what they are by the spine
*He says his v's like b's and I love it! (example: give it to me is "gib it to me")
*He still loves his "binky bear" in the car and at bed time. Binky and bear are a pair and go together, not separate. When you have one, you must have the other
*He can count to ten in English and in Korean
*He can sing songs in English and in Korean
*His favorite radio song is "Ooh Ahh", by Grits. Me and Bobby grit our teeth, but we listen to it over, and over, and over, and over because he loves it.
*He is bossy because we let him be. He directs us where to sit in the house. "Mommy ober here, Daddy ober there" is what we hear quite often. Shame on us. It is cute now, but probably not in a few years.
*Jett LOVES his grandma's and grandpa's. He lights up when he sees them.
*He recognizes things that amaze us. We can drive by Lowe's and he will say "go ober there, go see Christmas Trees!" So funny!
I could go on an on because everything he does amazes us. He is one lucky, loved kid, for sure!!
One last thing, hooray for all athletes out there that participated in the Route 66 Marathon Sunday morning. It was a great time. I felt great immediately after the run, but not so much in the several hours following. Here is a picture of Shanna and I before I spent roughly 8 miserable hours crashed on the floor at home with severe stomach cramps. That will teach me to eat Korean food the day before a marathon:)


Marisa said...

Wow!! Time goes by soooo fast!! I hope you didn't lose your whole post and have to type it all over again and attach the pics again too. I know you've said it's happened a couple of times before.

I'd be happy to show you what I've learned about my camera! A lot of it I did with Crystal's help!

Marisa said...

I'm so glad to see him wearing hats again!

What a great birthday party! That cake was amazing!

Mandy said...

Happy 2nd Birthday Jett! It looks like you guys had a great party! His cake was too cute! We are thinking about getting Tayson a train table from Santa so I am glad to hear that everyone loved it! They just take up sooo much space! I think it will be a good investment with 2 boys though! Way to go on your marathon but I'm sorry you had such bad cramps afterwards!

Amber said...

His birthday looked great! The cake is so cute..I love how they can do almost anything with cakes these days! He is such a big boy and two is such a great age!

Happy B-day Jett!