Sunday, February 22, 2009

An Oscar worthy performance?

With tonight being the Oscar's, I thought this title was appropriate. It is especially appropriate in our house lately, as Jett has perfected the art of manipulating is father and myself, along with both sets of grandparents by using a combination of the pouty lip, crocodile tears, adorable smile, and his absolutely adorable little voice to get whatever he wants, whenever he wants. Yes, it is official. A 2 year old completely rules our house. With that being said, he is such a good boy, he rarely gets into mischief, and he actually does mind really well most of the time. However, bedtime is usually a challenge. We attempted to make him go to sleep in his own bed Saturday night, but as soon as we walked out of the room he started weeping so hard he could barely catch his breath, and we could hear him begging "Please mommy, please....please mommy hold you in mommy's bed". Gulp! It totally broke our hearts. We got him out of bed and put him in bed with us. As soon as we got settled in under the covers, he put his sweet little hands on my face and said "snuggle with mommy", and turned to Bobby to flash the sweetest grin ever. An Oscar worthy performance? I think so. What an actor.
Tonight was our annual Oscar Party with my mom, and the theme food was Indian. YUM! My mom came over a little early so we could make beef curry and rice. Jett was so excited to see Gramma, and even more excited when she showed up with a Thomas the Train mylar balloon. Thank goodness Grandma thinks ahead and had them put an extra long string on it since our ceilings are over 20 feet high.

As we were loading the back of my mom's car with all of our food, Jett decided to help by placing sticks in her trunk.

The girl that hosts the party every year has 2 small boys, so Jett was in heaven with all of the toys, bikes, and the big play set in the back yard.

We had a great time and can't wait to do it again next year!
Jett really enjoys getting into all of my lotion, body splash, etc. while we are getting ready for the day. The other day when Bobby got out of the shower, Jett had found one of my blush brushes and was using it to paint Tiffany with my salt scrub. Today as I was running around getting things picked up around the house I noticed that he had a bottle of my old body splash and was spraying himself and Tiffany with it. Poor Tiff, she puts up with so much!

One last picture. My little sister left a late Valentine's Day gift on the porch Sunday night for Jett. When my mom called to tell me it was there, I was thinking maybe a stuffed animal or a box of chocolates....not so much. It was a "Flirty Flasher" (aka - a stripper dog that plays music and dances). Not exactly toddler appropriate, but Jett thinks the "puppy dog dancing" is funny, and luckily he doesn't understand the whole flashing concept yet. Hopefully he won't for a very long time!

Have a great week!


Amber said...

Wow, Jett gets my vote for the Oscar :) I wouldn't have been able to leave him in his bed after that either...Oh man, what I have to look forward too. :)

I watched the Oscar's last night too, I expected a little more but was entertained all the same!

I have been meaning to ask you, where does Jett get his red hair from, you are blond & Bobby is dark? :)

Mandy said...

What a little actor he is! I actually think Tayson could probably give him a run for his money. We are going through that exact same stage right now. I have been testing out time out when Tayson does something he isn't supposed to but it is just so sad when I get him out, he runs up and hugs me and kisses me...melts my heart!