Sunday, March 2, 2008

Lovin' the nice weather!

Hooray for the fabulous weather this weekend!! Jett and I were tired of being cooped up inside, and have been waiting impatiently all week for the 70+ degree weather this weekend. Saturday morning after I went running I got Jett up, fed him breakfast, and then outside we went. We played in the yard for a while and then I pulled him around the neighborhood in his wagon. When we got home, he noticed a plastic toy shovel in our neighbors yard and wanted to play with it. He has quite an imagination because he kept shoveling up stuff in the yard and saying "yummy, yummy, yummy". I think he must have thought the shovel was a gigantic spoon. Here are some pictures from Saturday.

Taking a break from the wagon to walk a little beside the curb.

Mommy, why are you always being so silly?

This is a very big spoon! Yummy, Yummy!

Saturday evening we went and did a little shopping so I could find Jett an Easter outfit, and while we were at Gymboree Jett fell and hit his head on the wood floor.
Yes, I know, I am a horrible mother for not making him ride in a stroller, but I love holding him, and I sat him down in one of their little plastic chairs right beside me while I went to hang something up and he fell over. He only cried for a second but it freaked me out. I felt so bad that after he went to sleep Saturday night I made a little pallet on the rug in his room, got him out of his crib, and slept with him on the floor. Jett didn't let a little bump on the noggin keep him down though, he was up today and ready to play outside again. He loves to swing and slide on all of the playground toys now that he is walking, running, and climbing.
Here are some pictures from LaFortune Park.

Getting buckled in and ready to go.


Are you sure your going to catch me at the bottom mom?

Today Jett and I went with Amy and Abby to the Just Between Friends Sale at the Expo. There were just so many people there, and we honestly didn't see any great bargains. Jett liked playing with all of the toys while I browsed around, and he seems to have a new word each week that he says over, and over, and over again. This week it was "vacuum", and "cars, vroom vroom". I can't wait to see what his word(s) of choice will be this week! Have a good one.


Mandy said...

Isn't it so nice to be able to play outside?? I can't wait for it to be warm all the time!! I love his personalized passy!! We have some too and Tayson hates them!! I can't get him to take it for anything! I love Jett's striped beanie!!

RachelM said...

I loved the weather this weekend but I hate how it keeps changing from cold to warm and back again!! Big snow tonight!
I love his Zutano beanie and his personalized paci, too! McCoy only takes the MAMs so I don't think he would take one of those! I so wish he would!